"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
You know how they say that 'laughter is the best medicine' ? I believe it! In my bodywork practice, the clients who can view their current circumstances with a light-hearted approach, are those who remain calm and happy. It is really a viewpoint of non judgemental compassion. How can we cultivate an awareness of ourselves, our emotions, our thoughts and not take ourselves so seriously?
I often have to consciously choose this approach in my own life. When I am able to laugh at myself and find humor in something that seems SO FRUSTRATING, I find a lightening in my own emotional vibration. It is our thoughts/emotions and the quality of them, which create our well being or our dis-ease.
So the next time you find yourself complaining, stuck, or stressed - laugh! And if you can't laugh at yourself, have compassion for your troubles and be grateful for what DOES support you in your life.
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