"Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions. And the actions which speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is none. Coming through time after time, year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism." - Anon
Commitment can be a chance to hold yourself accountable for what you are manifesting in life. The word commitment is a scary one for many. It means taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions, emotions, and spirit. Aligning yourself with your integrity and your truth in order to create an authentic vision.
If there are moments in your life where you are not getting the results you desire - contemplate the question: Where am I not committing? We fear commitment for many reasons. We may fail, we may get hurt, we may fear success, and many of these are related to old patterns of not knowing how to say "yes" to life. Commitment is just that: saying "yes" and following through with determination and confidence.
I know for me, commitment has been difficult. I liked things (and still do.. I admit) to be subject to change and not necessarily feel locked in to something. I am a free spirit; and damn it - I have the right to change my mind. But, I began to notice an interesting pattern. Things in my life were just not turning out how I wanted them to. I never ever thought about the true meaning of the word commitment and the place it had in my life. And sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that we are committed to something or someone. We want it, we love it, and we aren't thinking about changing that, so doesn't that mean we are committed? But, true commitment takes place inside.. allowing yourself to let go of insecurity and claim what you really want. I began to realize for me, it was a deeper issue. An issue of not feeling worthy to have the life I really wanted. I began to ponder what that word symbolized and meant to me. I allowed myself to have the courage to believe I had the resolve to achieve my visions. And life began to form around that inner belief and the energy of taking responsibility for my patterns.
I invite you to look at your own relationship with commitment. Does it bring up fear? Does it make you want to run for the hills? Do you feel like you're in a cage? Why? Are you living the life you really want?
" A person with half volition goes backward and forwards, but makes no progress on even the smoothest of roads."
- Thomas Carlyle
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