Friday, March 18, 2011

Inner Space

Eckhart Tolle: "If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences. No excuses. No negativity. No psychic pollution. Keep your inner space clear."

Keep your inner space clear. that is something to ponder. I believe strongly in the notion that our thoughts have an enormous effect upon our lives. I have also talked about my opinion on stress. Stress is a result of an inner struggle within our minds about a particular thing not being satisfactory, so we then create psychic pollution. I also think that most human beings like to make life more complicated (not everyone) and so we keep circulating the same desperate thoughts over and over. Imagine the character from Peanuts, Pig- Pen, who is perpetually walking through life with a dust cloud following him. Most of us too, are walking through life with a dust cloud - a psychic dust cloud. But, we are so used to this state of being that we never notice it. Most people dislike being alone and quiet for this very reason. Our inner space is full of negativity and resistance, so we try to dull it with "noise." Noise can come in many forms and is usually a coping mechanism for keeping ourselves stuck in suffering.

Imagine a world where we choose one of the above three options. Allow yourself the power to choose something different and take responsibility for the effects of your choices. The world is in great need of conscious humans who can truly be in alignment with what supports them. If you can notice in the moment when you are resisting, allow yourself the freedom of choosing something different. It does take practice and an awareness of your own psychic dust cloud. Once it becomes habit, you can begin to choose how you want to feel and let go of the thoughts which create the inner pollution.

If we want the world to be full of peace, love, and happiness - we must begin within ourselves and the first step is within our own minds. Thoughts become reality, so we must choose wisely.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Not Knowing

Pema Chodron: "Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all."

In the world according to Tracy Liberty, I believe that a person's stress is created because of an internal struggle. A grasping, a craving - for wanting a different set of circumstances, and manifestations than what one already has. A desire to want to KNOW how, when, what, why a certain outcome will occur and believing that all will be well when it DOES occur.

It takes patience, self-compassion, and inner peace to let go of all of the above. It's interesting to ponder how uncomfortable "not knowing" makes us. I often notice many of my clients asking me to see if I can perceive something that they don't fully understand. This is part of the work I do - connecting others to their wisdom and trust; but I must allow for their own inner compass to guide them. It is human nature to want to know. But, many of us give our power away to others advice, psychics, or tarot cards because we just don't know WHAT will happen if our relationship with so and so ends. Or, will I get this job.. am I going to get sick.. should I move...should I ... could I .... I DON'T KNOW!!!

How do we make peace with not knowing? Surrender. Surrender the feelings of worry .. let go and trust in the "grand plan." Think of all of the moments in your past where you didn't know, and how magical it was when everything fell into place. Controlling and planning can come in handy sometimes.. but it's usually when we take our hands off of the steering wheel that something unexpected happens. Who are we to say or know what is best for us? Sure, have an vision for what you want, but then allow for anything to happen.

Sounds scary, doesn't it? It's ok. Just allow yourself to not know and let go.

Friday, March 4, 2011


"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."

You know how they say that 'laughter is the best medicine' ?  I believe it! In my bodywork practice, the clients who can view their current circumstances with a light-hearted approach, are those who remain calm and happy. It is really a viewpoint of non judgemental compassion. How can we cultivate an awareness of ourselves, our emotions, our thoughts and not take ourselves so seriously?

I often have to consciously choose this approach in my own life. When I am able to laugh at myself and find humor in something that seems SO FRUSTRATING, I find a lightening in my own emotional vibration. It is our thoughts/emotions and the quality of them, which create our well being or our dis-ease.

So the next time you find yourself complaining, stuck, or stressed - laugh! And if you can't laugh at yourself, have compassion for your troubles and be grateful for what DOES support you in your life.