Friday, March 11, 2011

Not Knowing

Pema Chodron: "Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all."

In the world according to Tracy Liberty, I believe that a person's stress is created because of an internal struggle. A grasping, a craving - for wanting a different set of circumstances, and manifestations than what one already has. A desire to want to KNOW how, when, what, why a certain outcome will occur and believing that all will be well when it DOES occur.

It takes patience, self-compassion, and inner peace to let go of all of the above. It's interesting to ponder how uncomfortable "not knowing" makes us. I often notice many of my clients asking me to see if I can perceive something that they don't fully understand. This is part of the work I do - connecting others to their wisdom and trust; but I must allow for their own inner compass to guide them. It is human nature to want to know. But, many of us give our power away to others advice, psychics, or tarot cards because we just don't know WHAT will happen if our relationship with so and so ends. Or, will I get this job.. am I going to get sick.. should I move...should I ... could I .... I DON'T KNOW!!!

How do we make peace with not knowing? Surrender. Surrender the feelings of worry .. let go and trust in the "grand plan." Think of all of the moments in your past where you didn't know, and how magical it was when everything fell into place. Controlling and planning can come in handy sometimes.. but it's usually when we take our hands off of the steering wheel that something unexpected happens. Who are we to say or know what is best for us? Sure, have an vision for what you want, but then allow for anything to happen.

Sounds scary, doesn't it? It's ok. Just allow yourself to not know and let go.

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